Transcending borders, Bringing institutions together: Benchmarking Activity 2024

Along with the steadfast commitment of SPAMAST’s Extension Services Office and Research, Development, and Innovation Office to the pursuit of excellence and service, the path has been paved towards various institutions to ensure continuous growth and development.

Headed by each office’s directors, Mr.Kher Dave Doños and Dr. Grace Buencillo,the entire staff of both offices conducted a three-day benchmarking activity, specifically at the University of Southeastern Philippines on August 7, 2024, Bukidnon State University on August 8, 2024, and Central Mindanao University on August 9, 2024. Bearing a flare within each spirit, the team aimed to catch additional insights from the glimpse of the mentioned SUC’s Research and Extension Agenda and Manuals. Through the essence of exchanging ideas, the team appreciated various concepts beneficial in enhancing respective offices’s guidelines for implementation as well as in strengthening their general standing as core concepts in the sphere of an institution.

The first day at USEP revolved around the landscape of the Research and Extension Division, as discussed by Mr. Kevin Viray, Education Program Specialist, and Dr. Roby Pagong, Director of the Extension Division. Dr. Roger Montejo, Vice President for Research, Development, and Extension, also joined the program by giving his welcome remarks.

The key personnel of BukSU made the second day knowledge-filled as they shared an overview of their research and extension manuals and agenda. Dr. Carina Joane Barroso, Vice President for Research, Extension, and Innovations, made her welcome remarks. Also, comprehensive presentations were done by Dr. Joan Recente, Director of the Research Unit Dr. Jiemalyn Paulican, Director for Extension Unit and Dr. Joan Recente, Director for Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer.

The last day began with a courtesy call at the office of the president of CMU, Dr. Rolito Eballe, who graced such an event by welcoming SPAMAST to their university. Each visit to their research and extension departments was responded to by personnel standing on behalf of the directors.

This activity does not only highlight the goal of the Research and Extension Divisions of SPAMAST to thrive in delivering quality services, but also their dedication to synergic initiatives. Truly, collaboration knows no bounds or distance.






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