Search for Outstanding Volunteers

The Southern Philippines Agri-Business and Marine and Aquatic School of Technology
(SPAMAST) is proud to join forces with the Philippine National Volunteer Service Coordinating
Agency (PNVSCA) in the Search for Outstanding Volunteers (SOV) 2024. This initiative aims
to identify and honor exceptional Filipino volunteers and volunteer organizations for their
remarkable contributions to community empowerment and the promotion of volunteerism as a
way of life, thereby advancing nation-building efforts.
The SOV is conducted in collaboration with the National Economic and Development Authority
Regional Offices (NROs), the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA), and the
Bangsamoro Planning and Development Authority (BPDA).
To access the SOV materials, please visit: 2024 SOV Documents.
SOV 2024 RESOURCES (Nomination forms and other resources)
You may download the nomination forms and other SOV resources here:
 via PNVSCA Website
– or
 via PNVSCA cloud storage




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