DECISIVENESS: The power of standing firm in your choices

Have we ever been in a situation where we do not know where to position ourselves between conflicting ideas or choices? Whether we are currently in the rank and file or the upper management, whether we are parents to our children or children to our parents, a leader of a group, or a team member, we can all relate to this in one, two, or more instances in our lives. 

The authority’s indecisiveness can lead to confusion for an individual who follows and adheres to orders or instructions, as they cannot adapt to the constantly changing and inconsistent requirements. On the other end, indecisiveness on the part of the subordinate creates delay, inefficiency, and wastage.

Confucius said, “When one is decisive and precise, there is no difficulty with it.” Everything is smooth and easy if we are decisive because we have a specific goal to achieve. Moreover, we can progressively improve and deliver better results. We have heard of the cliché “haste makes waste,” which applies not only to actions but also to making decisions. Instead of making a snap decision, we should analyze the situation, identify potential issues, and anticipate them afterward. Once we make a decision, we must be prepared to stand by it, even if it requires us to make a commitment that may cause pain. This will eventually mold us to become dependable and consistent leaders where our ‘yes’ is ‘yes’ and our ‘no’ is ‘no.’

People expect changes when they make firm decisions. Quoting from one of Dr. Jonathan David’s teachings, he said, “Time doesn’t change people; the decision does.” We can spend all our time dreaming and visualizing what we desire to happen, but until we decide to take action and move towards it, amazing things will begin to unfold.




  1. Evaluate ourselves from our positions and functions. How does our decisiveness affect the people around us, above and below us? Take note of these observations and decide to address every single one of them. Let this be a time that marks the day we made such a life-changing decision.
  2. Consider the decision you’ve been putting off; express it now, definitively, and find a solution. Best accomplishment is not always winning; it is also about not leaving any doors or windows open.
  3. Decide to take the courage to make a thorough decision and stand by it. Face the consequences head-on.List all your decisions, regardless of their unrelatedness, and deconstruct all the necessary actions. Take time and attention to each item and tick them one by one off the list.




We are a company of decisive people. Our shared desire to effect change in both our personal and professional lives unites us. We honor all our relationships and all the agreements and contracts we have entered. We decided to take on the challenge of moving toward progressive change in every area and domain we influence. We shall not waver or be tossed to and fro by any difficulties, and we shall keep our eyes on the vision God has entrusted to all of us.




Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that apart from You, we cannot do anything. We are grateful that You are instilling in our lives the value of decisiveness. Thank You that You desire us to become strong and firm in every action we take. Thank You for guiding and leading us always to make the right decision and giving us the grace to overcome any difficulties along the way. Amen

Values Restoration Officer: Mrs. Edel Quinn D. Casis