Cooperation is power. Philippine history during the EDSA Revolution would illustrate that there is nothing impossible if a group of people puts their hearts and minds together to achieve a certain purpose. As a cohesive unit, the people unite with a single heart, a unified voice, and a shared vision, thereby transforming into a formidable force. This is the strongest ingredient of a people movement.
Cooperation means the members of a team have one heart. The heart is the body’s most important organ, as it sustains life by pumping blood and supplying the needed nutrients and oxygen to all other parts. The heart of a team represents the motivation behind its formation. The purpose determines the types of members therein, including their qualifications and the characteristics they should possess. Without a properly established purpose, the team lacks strength. Similarly, if the purpose is not properly birthed in the members’ hearts, their commitment to the team will not be strong. On the contrary, if the purpose is birthed properly, cooperation would not be difficult because the members, of their own volition, would supply their quota for the success of the team’s goal.
Cooperation in a team necessitates having the same voice. The Filipino people had one voice in the first EDSA revolution that impressed the whole world. On the streets of Epifanio de los Santos Avenue, the Filipino people were shouting the same thing over and over again. A team with different voices is necessarily a weak one. With different, opposing instructions or statements around, members won’t know who to follow or what to speak anymore. Worse, members take sides over what voice to stand for. When that happens, the team is bound to break: “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand.”
Lastly, having one vision results in strong cooperation. Much like a traveler, the team’s purpose and mandate determine its direction. Members in a team seeing one thing from different perspectives could be a strength, but teammates seeing different things could be dangerous. With eyes fixed in different directions, the team could be shattered into pieces. Getting the team members to cooperate and achieve the goal would be a serious challenge.
Before it’s too late, let’s examine our team’s purpose, voice, and goal and establish them accordingly. Instilling these values in their hearts is the key to fostering cooperation among all members.
a member of a team, assess how you cooperate toward achieving your organization’s purpose, mandate, goals, and objectives. Make a list of the things you should stop doing, continue doing, and start doing.
- As a team, assess every member’s cooperative character. Do not condemn those who have not yet developed the value, but guide them through a process to make them cooperate. Recognize every effort made to cooperate. Make sure not to dismiss even the slightest effort to avoid discouragement.
- As a member of a team, assess how you cooperate toward achieving your organization’s purpose, mandate, goals, and objectives. Make a list of the things you should stop doing, continue doing, and start doing.selves to fulfilling our duties and responsibilities. In our offices, we declare that we have one heart, one voice, and one vision. As a people’s movement, we shout that we have one purpose: to transform this nation through righteousness, one voice, and one vision for a better Philippines.
Lord, together we knit our lives to cooperate with one another in building the nation. Thank you for giving us one heart, one voice, and one vision for a better family, a better nation, and a better generation. We ask that you give us the grace to stay faithful to the purpose of our organization. Help us to speak one message with one voice and allow our eyes to focus only on one vision. As You are faithful, help us to stay faithful toward the fulfillment of these things in Christ’s mighty name. Amen
Values Restoration Officer: Edel Quinn D. Casis